Charge free baggage

For all flights performed by the airline, the following basic rules baggage transportation are applied.

Class of passenger service Total free rate (weight)[1]
Business class 32 kg (maximum sum of three measurements[3] 158 cm)
Economy class 23 kg (maximum sum of three measurements[3] 158 cm)
Economy premium class 23 kg (maximum sum of three measurements[3] 158 cm)
Infant / newborn[2] 10 kg (maximum sum of three measurements[3] 158 cm)/ small stroller / cradle or 1 scooter/learner bike (in case of proper packaging and a sum of three dimensions less than 158 cm) regardless of the class of service. In case of exceeding 158 cm standard tariffs for the carriage of excess baggage are valid.

Excess baggage information is available via the link.

per 1 passenger
age limits: from 0 to 2 years
length х width х height